mpommett79’s blog

My Pheromones Blog

The Interest in Pheromones and Do They Work


When an animal detects an odor, the scent first goes to the nose to specific sex pheromone. The vomeronasal organ contains receptor cells used to detect pheromones. They transduce electrical signals to the brain. These signals go to the hypothalamus, the pituitary gland, and finally the reproductive organs. Thus the nose plays a large role in mammalian reproduction. Learn why pheromones do exist.

Do Pheromones Affect Humans?

In humans, this process is more complex. For instance, sniffing someone isn't exactly the best way to set the mood, but that does not rule out the importance of scent. In everyday life, scientists propose that because humans have a higher level of cognitive functioning, they rely less on their sense of smell through reproduction. For instance, conversing and spending time is more likely to lead to a sexual encounter then simply smelling someone, but it's not that simple according to

Scientists also proposed that the significance of the sense of smell for reproduction in humans has diminished. This is because Western culture frowns upon the natural body odor and emphasize the use of perfumes. Ironically, most perfumes use the musk odor of other animals and these perfumes had the power to help humans associate memories with sense.

This is why girlfriend often ends up sleeping on the same side of the bed as her boyfriend. Other cultures are engaged in what Howard Hughes called social sniffing. This is a common practice that plays an important role in the way humans connect with one another. Scent is not as crucial for our reproductive purposes as it is for other mammals. However, our sensory experience would not be the same. Learn more at

Pheromone Conclusion

In conclusion, we know that humans differ from animals in terms of the use of pheromones for reproduction, but what if we did base art, reproduction on pheromones? What would be different? What do you think?

This article is meant to help inform those who are interested in pheromones and are at a loss for which products to purchase. There are a lot of products out there on the market right now. And I understand the confusion that comes with having such a large variety of choices according to

Many companies have taken advantage of the interest in pheromones in recent years. And they have created pheromone products that are not properly tested and are defective. I’ve personally purchased from a couple of these companies before doing further research. I’ve discovered which products were actually useful. I will try to cover everything there is to know about pheromones in future articles as well as which products have been shown to be effective. I do not work with any pheromone perfume based companies, and thus my opinions are not biased. 

Should We Expect Humans To Have Pheromones?


Why would we expect humans to have human pheromones? I think the main reason is that we're mammals. For example, mammals smell, a dog smells, and we smell and were unlikely to be different from other mammals.

Everything else about our physiology is very much the same as mammals. And that is because blends that previously were inactive start to secrete lots of molecules. And they particularly secrete them into the areas that now have hair in our armpits.

If we were any other mammal, we would be looking for pheromones. The reason is that something that changes at puberty is likely to be something to do with being an adult. In many cases, this has something to do with sex.

Pheromones Do Exist

Mammals do indeed have lots of pheromones. These include small and big pheromone molecules. I would argue is that humans probably do have pheromones but misled by corporation wanting sell patented pheromone colognes and perfumes. What we need to do is start researching pheromones with real science. And it's actually a very good time to be doing it because lots of work has been done on pheromones already. So now is the time that we could do it in a way that possibly we couldn't have done it as well before. Learn more at

How Do We Research Pheromones?

The traditional way in humans is to study the armpits. This is where pheromones have always been sampled. Now there is a good reason for that and it's that these are the characteristics. scent glands of the great apes.

And humans all have these scent glands in the armpit. But there is a reason for not looking specifically at armpits if you're looking for a universal sex pheromone for humans. And that's because about 20 percent of the world's population doesn't produce smells in the armpit.

OK. So what other areas of possible smell sources? I think one reason that we've not looked in these other places is simply an embarrassment. It's quite easy to ask somebody for some people from their armpit, it's much harder to ask them for anywhere else. Learn about pheromone ingredients.

How Do Pheromones Work?

If you're a fertile, sexually active person you produce pheromones into the air. These pheromone signals lure the opposite sex. So, how pheromones affect people? They basically make the wearer more attractive. That means for women who wear pheromones, men get more well-behaved and courtly. The studies showed that they will actually ask a woman out for a date. Learn more at


We've all experienced the sixth sense - the inexplicable intuition that draws us to one person. It is the chemistry of human pheromones that help spark a romance, and amplify the subtle connections that turn an acquaintance into a friend.

The fundamental causes of human attraction have remained a mystery until now. Pheromones transmit a person's genetic code and reveal important information about that person. Take advantage of the new research in human pheromones and put them to use. Learn more at

Pheromones - How To Use and What We Know

f:id:mpommett79:20180306210339j:plainWe all naturally produce pheromones in our sweat. Scientists think they contain special chemicals which help attract a partner. The makers of Scent of Eros claim to have bottled super powerful pheromones which they sell on the Internet. There are two types: one for men, and one for women. So what do they think?

What People Say About Pheromones

One woman had this to say about pheromones. "I put this on and I went out shopping and virtually every mom I passed said hello to me. Now, normally I'm ignored. Firstly because I'm middle-aged and secondly because I'm very small. And thirdly, because I always look quite stern. Some men even tried to strike up a conversation and I am impressed with that.

Scientists say there is evidence that we are attracted to each other through Smells. And a lot of pheromones and sex hormones are released to the skin. There is a chemical reason for the attraction. To test the pulling power of pheromones we've recruited Emma and her identical twin Eve.

One's wearing pheromones and the other isn't. So, who will get the most male attention? Wearing no scent at all, Emma is first out to the bar. So after 30 minutes at the bar, it's a score of three for Emma. However, more guys went for Eve who is wearing the pheromone fragrance. The pheromones seem to work. Learn more at

What We Know About Pheromones

Pheromones are species-specific chemicals that influence but behavior or developmental process. They do this by affecting hormone levels. Winifred Cutler claims that she discovered human pheromones. Her claim is based on the newspaper accounts of the discovery she made with a couple of colleagues.

Unfortunately, she doesn't even say what chemical is in her stuff, so nobody can replicate her results. People have gone through the statistical analysis and said, we don't see what you're saying here. They don't get this change and what she's saying in behavior analysis. She claims the results were observed over a 6 week period.

If you use a pheromone product and you're willing to wait six weeks to see a change in somebody's behavior, okay, I can sell you just about anything. Anyway, she claims to have discovered human pheromones. These pheromone products have been sold since 1996 with The Scent Eros line being marketed in 2000. Learn about the different types of pheromones.

Do Pheromone Colognes Work?

You can find pheromone information very easily on the internet and be able to kind of decide what might work. Uh, and you can also look at the claims that have been made for these products. What has been shown is that a mixture of human pheromones affects human behavior. Learn more at

How to Apply Pheromones to Attract Women

The right pheromones will increase the girl's natural attraction to you, but you need to make sure the pheromone fragrance was manufactured correctly. Not all pheromones fragrances are created equally. Ad there are dozens of manufacturers that make different blends and they add different amounts of pheromones to their formulas. I purchased mine from See my Pherazone Ultra 2018 review.

Their formulas, do not contain alcohol, and the fragrance is better than most of the other formulas that I've tested. Once you bought your desired pheromone product, you simply place a bit behind your ear or your neck. Some guys like to place a pheromone fragrance all over their bodies. However, with a good pheromone product that isn't needed.

In fact, they are applied similar to colognes and you don't need to overdo it. A small amount is just fine. Just place a small dab behind your ears because that is all you need.

SizeGenetics Penis Extender Review


In this time since the penis extender first became available, it has helped over 500,000 men increase their penis size.  The team of medical researchers behind SizeGenetics are always innovating ways to improve the enlargement device. 

They listen to feedback from real users and that is why SizeGenetics is unparalleled when it comes to comfort, results, and value. 

The Device’s Design

Nothing is more important about a penis extender than its design.  The design is what will ultimately determine the safety and effectiveness of the device – and also your experience using it.  The original Size Genetics design was calibrated to give a precise tension which created fast results without risking safety. 

Now, the Size Genetics device gives users the ability to adjust the tension to exactly the level they want all while staying in the safe, effective range.  You have much more control over how you use Size Genetics and the results you get with it! Check it out at

Superior Comfort

SizeGenetics was the first penis extender to switch from the standard silicon loop system of securing the penis into the device.  Their team innovated a new design which uses a strap placed over the shaft of the penis.  You don’t have to worry about the strap ever cutting off circulation, damage to the glans, or your penis slipping out of place. 

SizeGenetics is also the only penis extender which offers 16 different ways to wear it.  You can choose between the 16 different comfort mechanisms to ensure you are getting the best experience.  Whether you are wearing just for an hour while watching TV, sleeping with the device on, or wearing SizeGenetics discreetly under your clothes, you will always be comfortable with it on! Learn more at

Another important aspect of the Size Genetics design is that it is made to suit all men.  You can adjust the length of the extension arms to fit your exact size.  As your experience penis growth from using Size Genetics, you can just change the extension arms accordingly.

How Safe are Penis Extenders?

If used according to the simple instructions to provide a gradually increasing amount of traction, medical grade penis extender devices such as SizeGenetics and ProExtender are extremely safe to use.

These devices have been developed by medical doctors and have certification as medical instruments. Learn more about safe penis extenders.

Results with Size Genetics

The main reason that SizeGenetics is our #1 pick is because it gives such amazing results and is effective for more than 99% of men who use it.  On average, men will experience gains of 29% in length and 19% in girth after 6 months. 

Other benefits from Size Genetics include harder erections and straightening curved penis syndrome.  Results are guaranteed with the Size Genetics 6-month, 100% money-back promise. Learn more at


No high-quality penis extender is going to be cheap, but Size Genetics has done a good job of offering its medical-grade extender at a price everyone can afford.  There are so many different bonuses included with your purchase the Size Genetics is truly a great value for your money.

X4 Labs Penis Extender – Why Buying Direct is Best


You have multiple choices of providers when it comes time to order your X4 Labs Penis Extender. The product you will receive will be the same, so does it make a difference which website you order from? The answer is “YES” and has to do with the buying options available, the services you will receive, the delivery of your product, and the guarantee.

In my experience, the best option is to buy it directly from the official website.

Highlights of Buying X4 Labs Direct

Buying your X4 Labs penis extender from the X4 Labs website gives you more options and services that you are likely to find anywhere else. While some sites only accept credit cards for payment, with X4 Labs you can pay with a credit card, a money order, or use your PayPal account to pay for your penis extender. 

If you are a little short of funds, there is an option that is unique to X4 Labs.  You can buy your X4 Labs penis extender on a time payment plan by purchasing it directly from X4 Labs.  

This plan allows you to pay overtime, spreading the cost over two, three, or four payments.  With this option, you must pay 50% of the total amount due in the first payment. 

X4 Labs is the only provider known to offer this option. With a direct purchase from X4 Labs, you can take advantage of discount codes that can save you as much as $75 off the purchase price of your penis extender.   You should note that you cannot combine a discount code with the time payment purchase plan. Learn more at

X4 Labs Shipping

You will receive your penis extender quickly when you order direct.  Orders for delivery to North America are shipped via FedEx or UPS, with expected delivery in 3 to 5 business days. International orders take a bit longer, but will normally be delivered in no more than 14 business days. In addition to fast shipping, you can generally get free shipping to North America with your order.

X4 Labs does everything possible to ensure your privacy when you order from them.  First, their website utilizes the most secure type of encryption – 256-bit encryption – for their ordering and billing system.

In addition, X4 Labs ensures your privacy in the way in which they package your penis extender for shipment.  It is wrapped in plain packaging, and nothing on the package or label identifies what is in the box. Learn more at

X4 Labs Guarantee

They offer a six-month guarantee on their product.  Known as the 6-Month Growth Guarantee, it is designed to ensure that you see results from the use of your penis extender. X4 Labs wants you to achieve your penis growth goals, and feel so confident that their product will give you those results that they are willing to let you use it for six full months risk-free. 

In fact, not only do they offer a money-back guarantee, but they also guarantee you will see results within six months.   It’s not called the 6-Month Growth Guarantee for no reason! When your penis extender arrives, open it up and use it for up to six months.  If you don’t see results within that period of time, you can request a refund of your purchase price.

What Does the X4 Labs Penis Extender Cost?

What the X4 Labs Deluxe Package IncludesLess than $200 gets you the X4 Labs Penis Extender Deluxe Edition. This is an incredible value for a good product that will absolutely give you a bigger penis. At only $199.95, when used with a discount code, this offers the best value for the money.

  • Comfort pads made of memory foam that are specifically designed to give you better results in complete comfort.
  • Nickel-Brass Extension Rods – As your penis grows with the X4 Labs Penis Extender, you will need extension rods to add to the device to accommodate your increased length.  The Deluxe Package includes all the extension rods you will need.
  • The Instructions for use on CD – Everything you need to know about using your Penis Extender is included on this easy to use CD.  It includes tips and tricks for making the most of your extender, as well as penis stretching exercises that can enhance your penis enlargement.  It also includes a free e-Book on men’s health.

Go for the Gold

While you will choose the X4 Labs penis extender package that best suits you, it should be noted that the  6-Month Growth Guarantee applies only to the Deluxe & Gold Packages. Based on feedback from men from all over the world, as well as my own experience, I recommend the Gold Edition package from X4 Labs.

This upgraded edition gives you everything you need for rapid results, along with many bonuses to enhance your penis enlargement. For only $100 more you get everything in the Deluxe Edition, plus memory foam comfort pads and additional comfort straps for better comfort and faster results.

You also get 2 Better Sex Guide DVD’s, exclusive membership to PenisAccess, and a bonus $50 gift card to use towards your next X4 Labs purchase.

Important Notes

Results with the X4 Labs penis extender are certainly achievable.  In fact, they guarantee it.  However, you need to have realistic expectations.  You will not see changes overnight. You need to use the extender on a regular basis, according to the instructions provided, in order to see positive growth results. 

If you do this, you will see why reports show that the X4 Labs extender has a 99% approval rating.   This rating is likely due to the fact that most of their customers achieve size gains in both length and girth! Learn more about penis extenders.