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What is Herpes and How Does It Affect You?


In the world today, we can easily estimate that more than 80% of Americans at some point will experience the Herpes virus in their lifespans. With this, we may include the fever blisters of the mouth and face, cold sores, genital herpes, Shingles, chickenpox, as well as less common types of diflerent Herpes viruses.

Types of Herpes

Herpes on the face and mouth is called Herpes simplex I (HSV 1), genital Herpes is called Herpes simplex II (HSV2). They seem to only show up when the person feels stressed out or the body is extremely exhausted or immune system is not at his best.

Throughout these moments, little ulcerations usually may appear in the mouth, on the lips, face or chin, or perhaps in the genital region. These can be painful and itchy. This kind of sores does not heal fast for the majority of people and may become more intensive during the time, especially if a person is under the stress or if person immune system is not as good at the moment.

Statistics of today estimates one in four women, as well as one in five men, do have genital herpes outbreaks, and much more at the same time have regular appearances of the sores, sometimes as often as four times a year. The statistics are more disturbing for the Herpes simplex I (HSV 1). The way the world is headed now over 80% of us will be exposed to, and they will carry the virus or experience outbreaks of cold sores.

Is There a Cure for Herpes?

Still, there is no known cure for the Herpes virus with the use of modern medications. All can suppress but not totally eliminate the virus from the body, unfortunately.

Yet, there are some amazing long-term solutions to the suppressing the Herpes virus and preventing it from occurring. When one chemical is used as are the medications and drugs, usually is less effective than another different approach with herbal solutions which are complex, and often contain hundreds and hundreds of well-known components. Most of these components are specifically tested and are found to be effective against Herpes viruses.

Many Ayurvedic, Chinese and western herbs are shown extremely successful in treating Herpes viruses. Numerous mushroom species have shown great treatment in eliminating Herpes and have been used in treating different viral infections as well. While western medicine does show some form of success in treating Herpes viruses the fact that medications are not in the natural form and still artificially made, we are forced to look for more natural solutions out there. Learn more at

How Is It Spread?

HSV-1 and HSV-2 are found inside the sores that the viruses cause and through the same are released as well. There is a possibility for them to be released between outbreaks from a person’s skin that does not look broken or with a sore.

Typically, the only way to get HSV-2 is during sexual contact with a person who has a genital HSV-2 infection. All assumptions aside, you can still get Herpes from the good old kiss. If a person has a sore on the mouth it is easily transferred to another person.

Bear in mind that transmission can also happen from a partner who is infected but who do not have any signs of herpes or any visible sore. In some cases, people don’t even know that they are infected and in some cases, people don’t even have an outbreak.

Even HSV-1 can be the right cause of genital Herpes. In order for a person to get an infection on the genitals, the process has to be caused by genital-genital or oral-genital contact with a partner who is already infected with HSV-1 infection. In some cases touching some parts of the skin can spread the virus all over the body. Learn more at


The most common symptoms will usually show up one day to a month after being infected and they are as below:

- Growing painful blisters, few at the same spot - Before they appear sensation of itching and burning

- Usually, they last one to three weeks

- Rarely they appear in two places at the same time

- Appear on the outer lips as visible ones and inside the mouth

- On and surrounding the genital skin is the most common area where they occur

Generally, a different outbreak could come out a couple of weeks or several months later after the first one, only next time is pretty much always less affected and usually, would be shorter than the first initial outbreak