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My Pheromones Blog

What Are The Best Pheromones For Men?


In this article, I review the best pheromone colognes for men.

My Pheromones Story

I have tried numerous products in order to enhance my attraction powers. This includes wearing sexy clothes, spending hours on looking good and even buying a fancy car! But nothing really worked and I ended up spending a lot of money. However, after discovering pheromones, I have been getting more hits from women!  Read my Pherazone review.

Learning how pheromones play a role in the attraction between men and women can lead to a better understanding of human interaction. Certainly, we are not slaves to our basic instincts. Instead, we possess the ability to be rational. And this ability is unique in the animal kingdom. At the same time, the suggestion that we are not affected by pheromones is not true.

Pheromones create an aura around a person. This aura is made up of these pheromone chemicals. In social situations, a powerful male’s pheromones will communicate his dominant characteristics. With so many pheromone products available, I have found a few that work particularly well for men.

Best Pheromones For 2018

Below are the best-rated pheromone colognes for men.

Nexus Pheromones

Nexus Pheromones is extremely popular and has proven to be one of the most effective. Not only do the invisible pheromones in it work overtime, it also smells amazing. Women love the scent of Nexus.

Alfa Maschio

Alfa Maschio is created by Alpha Dream. It helps men who want to give off that ‘bad boy’ aura. According to Alpha Dream, their ‘alpha male’ human pheromone formula is infused with a specific formula that makes women believe that you are sexually superior.

Alfa Maschio works great at picking up women who are choosy and out of your league!

Primal Instinct

This extremely powerful Androstenone based pheromone cologne is considered to be one of the best.

Even though it is a highly recommended, I have placed it at# 3, since satisfactory results were not achieved with it.  However, some men have noticed an unstoppable urge in women around them. Primal instinct is a bit hit or miss but it can still work for you.

Chikara Pheromones

Chikara Cologne for Men is considered a feel-good pheromone cologne. It contains seven pheromones. This includes the three most common pheromones found in most pheromone colognes, and four secret pheromones, which Chikara claims are unique to their Pheromone product.

 About Pheromones

Pheromones are not limited to dating or getting laid. 

In human beings, pheromones are chemicals secreted from certain areas of the body like nipples, eyelids, loins, lips, pinna and axilla. Technically they are called ecto-hormones because of their exogenous influence upon others. Learn about best pheromones to attract men at

They travel through the air from one person to another. The primary function of pheromones in humans is to increase attraction. The Jacobson’s organ or technically speaking the vomeronasal organ is situated between the nose and the mouth. It exists for the sole purpose of sensing pheromones.

It is in this manner that men and women are attracted because of pheromones. In smaller mammals, rudimentary responses are stimulated by pheromones such as causing the female to arch her back to facilitate procreation. Pheromone also triggers responses in humans. But the human brain has a more-evolved cognition level; therefore it can make a conscious decision whether to act upon these triggers or not to act.

 Learn more at

Pheromone Ingredients

Below are the most common pheromones found in commericial colognes and perfumes.


Androstenol is one of the "least powerful" human pheromones on the market. This doesn't make it any less useful than the other pheromones commonly used in.  In fact, most products containing androstenol tend to be far more versatile.


Androstenone has proven itself to me an excellent scent for bringing to parties, board meetings, and dates alike. It's also one of my favorite pheromones due to its versatility. I've used it with great success pretty much everywhere.

Why are pheromones so expensive?

It can be cost-prohibitive to manufacture pheromones since they are usually derived from organic compounds. Generally, the cheaper the pheromone, the lower the concentration. But since so many products are sold that insist on proclaiming nonexistent chemicals, this isn't always true.

Where do pheromones come from?

Usually these products are synthesized using industrial-grade orgranic chemicals in a labratory.

The precise scientific process and formula vary immensely for each type of pheromone. Most involve a series of reactions consisting of previously isolated hormones.

Why did you make this site?

As previously mentioned, I am sick and tired of scams and snake-oil products. They fly in the face of justice and destroy the good aspects that pheromones have to offer.

If you haven't noticed already, this market is ridden with them. I have shouldered the responsibility to find out what products are real and which ones are not worth your time.

Why should I believe you?

I'm not forcing anyone to believe me. At any time, feel free to go elsewhere and waste your money if you disagree with me. In fact, I encourage it, if you must learn things the hard way. Check out | best pheromones for 2015


From my reviews you can see the vast difference in the quality of product available, some are complete scams and some are a miracle of modern science.

If I had to pick one I would go with Pherazone, its proven to be the most effective both. Learn more at


How To Use Pheromones Effectively


When it comes to pheromones you have to keep in consideration that there is a lot of sensationalism. Most people write and talk about pheromones without having a complete understanding of how they work.

Well, first things first! I am a natural born skeptic who spent time and money testing most of the pheromones on the market. 

With that said, I will proceed with what I have found that works.  So what I present to you here its nothing but my own separate research and what works.  Learn about the best pheromones for 2018.

About Pheromones

Generally, pheromones are a natural chemical that sends a subconscious scent or signal to your opposite sex which can trigger powerful sexual responses.

These signals can be detected through an organ that is located three inches inside your nose and this organ is known as Vomeronasal Organ.

Vomeronasal Organ

Whenever the Vomeronasal organ detects pheromones scent, it will deliver a strong sexual response signal to the human brain.

The VNO or Vomeronasal Organ is a receptor organ of human sensory system which involved in chemical communication.

The odors that are produced by human are called as pheromones and it will send a signal to the opposite sex for a communication. For example, sexual activity is one of them Learn about how pheromones really work.

Pheromone Application

For example, the pheromones that your body releases tell a great deal about your fertility and, therefore, how attractive a woman finds you. If you spray these desirable traits onto your body, women are sure to find you more attractive.

How To Use Pheromones

Have you ever wondered how to use pheromones on yourself to attract opposite sex?

These colognes are best applied to your skin or any of your pulse points such as behind ears, wrist, and neck.

However, do not put too much of it on your body. One spray is of this love scent is necessary. Well, it depends if you want to attract women who are above 30. All you need to do is to spray once and then spray more on the following days.

The best sequence of spraying I can recommend is twice for a day and once for the next day. On the other hand, if you want attract women who are under 30, it is advisable for you to stick with one spray.

Again, do bear in mind that using more does not mean that it will increase its effectiveness. Also, by using less pheromone cologne, your supply will not run out fast.

Most Effective Pheromone Molecules 

The most effective pheromones are namely:

• Androstenol –

• Androstenone –

• Androsterone –

These pheromones are added to colognes for men to increase their desirability from women When the cologne is sprayed on pulse points, men become more sexually attractive.

They become more assertive in flirting with women, and yet more emphatic in their seduction methods. In the end, pheromones added to men’s colognes will up the ante in the dating game.

However, these should be complemented by other ways like good grooming, good personality, and good manners.

How Pheromones Affect The Opposite Sex

The strongest pheromones can be highly beneficial for humans, which are typically used for communication purposes. These remarkable chemical signals can make the attraction between people incredibly strong.

All of the pheromones within your body are used for different purposes; however, sexual attraction is the most common.

These pheromones are nature’s way of helping you to attract the perfect mate. You will be unaware of what your body is doing, and how it is attracting other people.

Pheromones will trigger a significant response within your body, and attract the opposite sex. In the animal world, these pheromones are used to communicate with one another and mark territories.

They can also be used to leave trails and mark where there is potential food for other members of the pack. Learn more about pheromones at

You will be unaware of the pheromones being released. The sensations and feelings that you are experiencing are triggered by the vomeronasal organs, which are found in your nose.

These will be able to detect the strongest pheromones and sends signals to the brain, which causes a reaction. This reaction can either be one of delight and attraction or detest and repulsion. Learn more about Nude Alpha Male Pheromones.


How Do Pheromones Work?


Now that we know what pheromones are, we can look at how they work.

What Are Pheromones and How Do They Work?

If we were to group all of the pheromones together into one category, it could be said that pheromones are chemicals that our bodies release for the specific purpose of eliciting a response from another member of the same species.

Pheromones Are Everywhere

It has been observed that pheromones are inherent in every living species on this planet. In other words, they are not limited to members of the animal kingdom. They have been found in plants, insects, and even bacteria. They are used to communicate and send messages that are cooperative, territorial and yes, even sexual.

The easiest way to observe the effects of pheromones is to watch and observe various animals and their mating behaviors. When a female member of any species is in heat, they are said to be fertile in their menstruation cycle. Other males of the same species are inexplicably and uncontrollably drawn to this female with an urge to mate with her.

The intense desire and the behavior portrayed by these animals release pheromones of their own designed to solicit responses from the female. This uncontrollable behavior has often been responsible for two males to fight over the same female.

How Pheromones Are Sensed

Sexual pheromones in humans are thought to be both odorless and invisible — yet can be sensed through nasal passages through an organ called the vomeronasal organ. Studies have shown that some human beings do not have a vomeronasal organ or have shown that their vomeronasal organ is blocked.

Even under these conditions, these people are still affected by pheromones that are sensed through the nasal passage.

When a pheromone is sensed, the signal is sent to the anterior hypothalamus area of the brain — the very same area of the brain that controls both emotion and desire.

Female Pheromones

f:id:mpommett79:20180120112335j:plainSex pheromones are created internally and discharged externally through bodily fluids produced by reproductive organs. One such type of pheromone that has been positively identified are known as copulins.

Copulins are produced by females in the female vagina. They are released from the vaginal opening.

Copulins are most potent when the woman is at the peak of her fertility and her monthly cycle. Whenever a woman moves or even breathes, minuscule amounts of copulins become airborne and are released into the air.

Copulins have a direct effect on men when they are sensed. As they are sensed, a man's testosterone level begins to skyrocket. This has the effect of substantially increasing sexual desire.

Pheromones and Males

In men, sex pheromones are called and androstenone and androsterone. Both of these pheromones of work harmoniously on a female. The females sense the dominance portrayed by a man.

One of the man's traditional gender roles is that of a protector. When a woman senses a man's ability to protect, the female responds with sexual arousal. Learn more about pheromones at

These two male sex hormones have a direct effect on the production of the luteinizing hormone in women. The increase in this particular hormone is directly associated with the sex drive in females. Learn more about pheromones for men 2018 |

What are some good pheromones for beginners to start with?

There are dozens and dozens of pheromone colognes available, but for beginners I would recommend something that is well balanced and appropriate for any occasion. My top pick for beginners would be the Pherazone. You can learn more about it at


What Are Pheromones Used For?


In this article, I discuss what pheromones are used for. Pheromones are used for several things from an evolutionary sense.

To Follow a Food Trail

Another survival instinct occurs when animals are hunting. This has been observed and documented primarily in pack animals.

When one animal picks up on the scent of food, the other animals in the same pack pick up on the same sent quickly often in the form of a pheromone secreted by the first animal who picked up on the scent of food.

Sexual Arousal

Ah — of course. Pheromones have been known and documented as having the ability to cause a sexual arousal in other animals of the same species.

It is interesting that these chemicals will only work on other animals of the same species. This is why we do not see interspecies mating attempts in the wild.

To Be Territorial

Pheromones are responsible for more than just sexual arousal. They are also used for territorial purposes. In insects, pheromones communicate to other female insects that they need to lay their eggs elsewhere.

These are called Epideictic pheromones. Other pheromones the same class can tell other animals of different species to back off and to respect territories.

When one animal marks their territory by urinating, pheromones are at work. Urination often has a repelling scent.

However, the pheromones found in the urine will tell other animals to look for shelter elsewhere.

For Interspecies Bonding

Pheromones play a significant part in nurturing bonds between a mother and a child. The release of these pheromones has been found all throughout the earth, especially in mammals.

Mammals are one of the few types of animals that require the nurturing support of a mother up until a certain age. Pheromones assist in this mother/baby bond.

The Discovery of Pheromones

Gustav Jaeger was a German doctor. He is credited with being the first scientist to identify and document the very idea of human pheromones accurately. However, he did not call them pheromones. Learn more at

Instead, his studies identified them as anthropines.

His studies identified these pheromones as lipophilic compounds found in human skin and in hair follicles and were responsible for an individual human owner's scent signature.

In a very general sense, lipophilic compounds are chemicals that naturally combine with and carry the ability to dissolve in lipids.

It is interesting to note that Dr. Jager did not successfully identify or single out any individual pheromone. It wasn't until 1953 that the first pheromone was identified. This pheromone is called Bombykol and is found in moths and is used by the female to attract a male mate.

Swedish Pheromone Study

A Swedish Study A Swedish study found that lesbians have a different internal, chemical reaction to a particular type of pheromone identified as the AND pheromone than heterosexual women do.

This reaction is distinct because the AND pheromone is 10 times more potent in sweat from men than sweat from women. 

Learn more at

4 Kinds of Pheromones

The Four Principal Kinds of Pheromones Scientists have identified four different types of pheromones found in human beings are as follows.

Releaser Pheromones

This is the kind of pheromone that has been linked to sexual attraction and arousal. The effect is usually immediate and the response is reliable.

Primer Pheromones

As the name implies, primer pheromones have to be primed — they take longer to elicit a response. These usually influence the development of reproduction physiology.

They're usually found in the menstruation cycles of females, puberty in both males and females, and can signal the success of pregnancy and reproduction. Primer pheromones have been observed a having the ability to alter hormone levels.

Signaler Pheromones

Signaler pheromones do exactly the name implies — they provide information in the form of signals. These are the pheromones that help a mother recognize her infant offspring by scent.

The fathers typically don't have the same ability. They are thought to signal information such as our genetic odor prints.

Modulator Pheromones

Modulator hormones have been deduced as having the ability to alter or synchronize bodily functions. These hormones are typically found in sweat.

 Scientists have observed a unique trait with these hormones when they are placed directly under the nose of female animals — they usually become a more relaxed and less tense.

It is further believed that modulator hormones are responsible for and may affect the menstruation cycle of females. Learn more about pheromones at


An Introduction To Pheromones [UPDATED]


In this article, I give an introduction to the role of pheromones.

Human pheromones are invisible, odorless, and undetectable.

Chemical ingredient for men Pheromones contains Androstenone. Pheromones for women contain Androstenol. Close spelling but two different pheromones. Check out the top-rated pheromones for 2018 |

What Are Pheromones?

They are medical science's and nature's "Sexual secret weapon for your pleasure".

The most interesting effect this chemical has is that it can alter people's impressions and assessments.

Pheromones are also linked to some of the most crucial stages in our lives...from breastfeeding to mate selection.

Studies have shown, for example, that breastfed newborns are able to distinguish between a breast pad worn by its mother and one worn by a stranger. In a crib, the baby will turn quickly away from the unfamiliar breast pad...and turn towards his mother’s.

As we age, however, our pheromone levels, along with our hormone levels, gradually decline. This can leave you feeling detached, unconfident and less excited about sex and romance.

To make matters worse, in an effort to make yourself attractive to people.. .you probably wash, deodorize, clothe and perfume away your most alluring quality. In other words, you may be suppressing your naturally unique and powerful allure!

After about 20 years of research, the pheromone boom began when scientists identified and synthesized the first active human pheromone from the skin of healthy young males and females.

Use them to awaken your "sixth sense"

Pheromones are your sixth sense. You use them to communicate without "know" without knowing...and to instantly transmit and receive critical, even life-saving, information.

Of course, the most exciting pheromones are those that drive sexual behavior, that drive you at the first sight of love.

What Pheromones Can Do

Pheromone levels heavily influence :

  • How often you have sex and with whom.
  • Your sexual confidence.
  • Your sexual attractiveness.
  • How others perceive you...and how they act around you.
  • How close you are able to feel to others.
  • Release the actual INVISIBLE scent that MEN AND WOMEN are genetically attracted to!

Benefits of Pheromones

Use pheromones to:

  • Elevate the intensity of the attraction between men and women.
  • Heighten your physical presence with the natural human scent of romance.
  • Boost your own naturally produced human pheromone levels with confidence.
  • Draw people closer and make them more attentive and responsive to you. Improves your business relationships.
  • Break the instinctive barriers to trust, confidence, and friendship at first contact.
  • Experience love at first sight.
  • Get people to "sense" your presence
  • Help you make eye contact with others more easily Enhance your self-confidence and social ease. Make people want to know you better and even feel more open and loving in your presence re-ignite the spark with your spouse, if you are single, bring as much excitement to your social life.
  • People are drawn to you because your body language changes does the way you move...the expression on your face...the glow in your eyes. And once people are within arm's length of you, your own heightened pheromone output will trigger their "basic instincts" too!

The Limbic system

While the molecules that make up regular odors, like the smell of a rose, are detected by receptor cells in your nose and sent to our cerebral cortex, the newer part of the brain that makes calculations and associations.

Pheromones are detected through an "alternative scent" organ in our nose called the vomeronasal organ, or the VNO. Up until about 15 years ago, the VNO was assumed to be vestigial an organ leftover from primitive times that are no longer needed, and no longer in use.

Pheromones Research

But in 1994, physiologists at the University of Utah examined 400 human subjects and found that they all had to function vomeronasal organs...which were actively sending pheromonal messages, not to the cerebral cortex...but to "primitive" brain the limbic system.

The limbic system is known as speeding basic instincts, impulses, sexual behavior, emotional connections, awareness of the environment and how we interact with it.

The pheromone acts like a stimulus on the limbic system and give the natural easy-going feeling, and more easily aroused.

Pheromones Work even if they are Unscented

The VNO is separate to the organ in the nose that is responsible for our sense of smell.

The VNO has its own alternative pathway that leads directly to the hypothalamus portion of the brain stimulating sexual attraction.

They will probably work to a varying degree on almost everyone. Pheromone responses vary depending upon the sensitivity of the receiver's vomeronasal organ.

They effectively attract the opposite sex, but they will not "drive" the opposite sex madly into your arms.

However, they help "break the ice" with significantly more potential bed partners. They will also tend to rejuvenate some of the passion lost in long-term relationships.

They also tend to lead to more intense and animalistic sex. Learn more about the top pheromones.

Pheromones are being used by millions of people for hundreds of reasons: have an edge over the competition, increase social popularity, intensify desire, erotic enhancement, extended lovemaking, safe and efficient, without side effects.