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My Pheromones Blog

How To Mix Your Own Pheromones



Today I want to show you a couple different ways of how you can mix pheromones as well as how and where to apply them to be sure that you get the best possible results. So for starters, if you're new to the pheromone world, we do have premixed pheromone blends readily available on the website, like NOA for men or women.

We also have pure pheromones available on the website for you to make your very own custom creations depending on the reactions that you want from others or how you want to feel yourself. So say you're a man looking to attract someone and you want to feel competent but not too dominating...

What Is A Good Pheromone Mixture?

A good mix for you would be NPA for men and Scent of Eros for men. So this is an unscented pheromones blend as well as a scented blend. So those are great combinations. And you would want to start by just applying one single drop of the NPA to one wrist.

Rub your wrists together and then let them dry. And then once they're dry completely, you can take the Scent of Eros and just roll it on your wrists and then rub them together again and any remnants that you have leftover just apply behind your ears or your neck. And it's as simple as that. So with all pheromone products, it's best to apply them to our pulse points according to

So this means our wrists, behind the ears, the base of the throat, the inside of the elbow, or behind the knees. These are the spots that are veins are closest to our skin, so they're already warm and they act as natural diffusers when we wear perfumes, colognes or pheromones. Pretty Cool, Huh? Okay. So now we know how to apply them. So let's go back to the mixing.

Pheromone Mixtures to Attract Women

So say you're a woman looking to attract someone. You could try out a couple of different combinations. A good one that's already nicely balanced would be Primal Women, which has androstenol and copulins and the Scent of Eros for women.

So you could simply follow the same steps that we did before with the NPA for men, but you would put a drop of the Primal Women on your wrist, rub them together, let it dry, and then add the Scent of Eros for Women. Just roll it right on over it and if you didn't feel like rubbing it behind your ears, you could rub it on the inside of your elbows and you're good to go.

Or another great balanced combination is to double dose on copulins which women naturally already produce and it increases men sexual desires. You could add the Primal Women that already has the copulins in it with one to two sprays of the Pheromone de Femme.

The main thing here is to note that we want to mix an unscented product with a scented product. So if you didn't feel like mixing it with Pheromone de Femme, you should still mix Primal Women or NPA or any other unscented pheromones with a scent cover to make sure you cover over the Musky scent that pheromones naturally produce.

It tends to smell a little bit like body odor, so we definitely don't want that when we're wanting to attract someone. So again, a great combination, Primal Women and Pheromone de Femme. You would follow the same steps again, just put one drop, rub your wrists together and let them dry.

And then just add one to two sprays of the Pheromone de Femme. and then simple as that. Again, good to go.


So now I want to show you a couple of other ways you can use and mix pheromones. If you want to make things really convenient for yourself you can use an atomizer. You would just add your favorite perfume or cologne and add your pheromone mix of your choice or a roll on which is great for more oil based mixtures. And these are both available on the website and then you can custom create your own magical goodness. Learn more at

Penis Enlargement Secrets


Down through the ages many men have had one nagging concern in their lives, and that is the whether or not they are measuring up, so to speak, in the sexual performance department. Whether or not this is a valid concern or one that is merely being manipulated by mediated forces, is not as important as relieving that concern. To that end, many wonders at how to make your penis longer.

In addition to the general question, there is also a concern about how to do it naturally, too. Many are not willing to go through with surgery or unnecessary medical treatments for extra length but are still interested in some way to achieve it. Thankfully, there are natural ways in which to achieve the extra inches that are so highly desired.

How To Get A Bigger Penis

First and foremost, a great solution for how to make your penis length is to lose weight overall. A big bulging belly is going to diminish the size of any man, regardless of the actual size of the organ. And all of that body fat is likely to be unattractive to those whom you are trying to impress anyways; so losing extra weight is a very good starting point.

As to the organ itself, size, when erect, is largely about blood flow and increasing yours is the way to go. This can be done by achieving higher levels of overall fitness, too, just like in the weight loss. A good cardiovascular system is essential to increasing blood flow to all of the bodily organs and the healthy body produces a healthy blood flow. Add some aerobic activities to your daily routine in order to achieve this.

And there are natural herbal supplements available that can increase blood flow as well. Any quick search using a trusted search engine will provide the curious with more than enough information about these items. Just research them all very carefully before using them, and seek out medical approval as well. Learn more at

The bottom line in wondering how to make your penis longer is that there will be no magic solution to the situation. However, all of the things that can help are going to help your overall health as well, making you that much more attractive in the first place. Increased length in that one particular region will only enhance your physical attractiveness, and that will be an added bonus for all parties involved.

Benefits of Penis Enlargement

Whether you are thinking about getting involved in a relationship or you simply feel that your present one can use a bit more a punch, there are plenty of reasons that you might want to consider taking a look at penis enlargement device. Far from being a last resort or something to be ashamed about, many men are taking advantage of the penis enlargement devices that are on the market and improving their lives immensely. Take a look at some of the benefits that you can get from using a penis enlargement device. Learn more about penis enlargement secrets.

One reason that more and more men are taking advantage of penis enlargement devices is the fact that at the end of the day, they are excellent for their self-esteem. First and last in the reason to get a penis enlargement device will always be the confidence, it gives you, both in bed and out of it. While penis size does not mean much in and of itself, it is still in many ways seen as in indicator of a man's prowess in life, if only to himself. The boost that many men get from the perception of their penis size is a large one, and many men have used this to their advantage in their day to day life

Another reason that men will often use a penis enlargement device is the aesthetics. Many people, men and women both, feel that a certain length is preferable to another, and a penis enlargement device is one way to get the looks that you want.

If you feel that your penis is somehow unattractive or difficult to look at, a penis enlargement device can help you do something to fix this problem. Far too many men go through life thinking about the fact that their penis size is a problem without a solution, but with the options available to them today, nothing could be further from the truth! 


If you are concerned that your penis is too small, it can affect you in many ways. Most obviously, it can make you shy and awkward around the object of your affections. Many men who feel that their penises are undersized will often feel that they are not presenting themselves as honestly as they should and that they are putting one over on someone that they like or are attracted to.

Whether or not this assumption has any basis in fact, it is obvious that it can affect the way you live your life!

Penoment Penis Pump: Does it Work?


Well, let’s talk how does Penomet penis pump work to enlarge your penis. You have read so many places that the penis can indeed increase in size. Anyway, let’s reiterate again. Your penis is made up of three different chambers. The two large chambers called Corpora Cavernosa are at the top and are filled with erectile tissue, which allows the penis to grow when you get an erection and retract at other times.

The smaller chamber below the two large chambers is the Corpus Spongiosum. This is the part through which you urinate and ejaculate. An erection is triggered by a hormonal signal from the brain, which causes blood to be sent to your penis and fill the erectile tissue; when the two large chambers are filled to their maximum capacity, then your penis is erected and at its maximum size. So the size limit of your penis corresponds to how much blood the vessels within the Corpora Cavernosa can hold.

So the idea of penis enlargement is to increase the size of the two large chambers. And the great news is that Penomet can increase your Corpora Cavernosa bigger and stronger SAFELY and SWIFTLY. Just follow the penis exercises described and you would be on your way to penis bodybuilding.

How Does Penomet Penis Pump Work to Enlarge Your Penis

With the technology of different gaiters that produce different differential pressure between the inside and the outside of the cylinder and you don't get stuck on one pressure setting as if there was only one setting. In fact, with the Penomet System, you can choose from five different "settings" simply by alternating the gaiters you use, either during your workout or between days.

Well, we recommend that you use the gaiter that has the least pull then change gaiters every week. Penomet comes with 5 gaiters, starting from the weakest to the strongest — Force 60, Force 65, Force 70 (Comes with the Penomet Standard), Force 75 and Force80. Read here for more information on how to use these gaiters.

So you attach a gaiter to the pump base and put your penis inside the pump. Then you start pressing the pump towards your body. You can submerge in your bathtub with water or filled the device with water while doing this.

The pump base is designed to allow a minimal compression force, while achieving maximum expansion, encouraging maximum growth and minimum discomfort. The more water is forced from the pump, the more the penis is encouraged to expand and the higher the hydro force vacuum that's created.

There's always a balance between water pressure, and your penis cannot be forced into the unsafe pressure zones that cause damage like air vacuum penis pumps and other penis enlargement devices. Learn more at

When compression of the pump stops, the non-return valve closes, thus stopping the water's return into the Penomet. Due to the unique pump design, the gaiter expands and tries to return to its original volume, because the water inside the Penomet acts like a fluid solid, which means it cannot be compressed or expanded, only the penis area can expand to replace the volume of water removed.

So the question ‘does the Penomet penis pump work’ is out of the question because Penomet penis pump does work to enlarge your penis!

How To Use Penomet Penis Pump?

Before you use Penomet penis pump you need to do some warm-up and quick penis exercises first. This is very essential as you would be doing some serious penis workout, so you need to put your penis ligament into ‘stretch mode’. First, you would soften your penis…this is how you do it. Get a sock and fill it with some rice about quarter way and tie the top so the rice don’t fall out.

Put the sock in the microwave for 1 minute. Apply the hot sock to your penis but … put a cloth over your penis then put the sock on to it as the hot rice sock would burn your penis. This is great for your penis since it would loosen the penis ligament, nerves, and blood vessels and make them supply to stretch.

Now for the penis exercises, just some quick penis stretches. First, hold your placid penis and pull it up, then down, then right and then left. Hold each position for 15 seconds. This is good to perform you start doing any hardcore pumping with the Penomet. In this way, you are prepping your penis into workout mode. By doing these simple actions you would greatly enhance your chances for faster gains and safer penis enlargement. Learn more at

Here are the instructions on how Penomet is used:

Step 1: Choose a detachable pressure gaiter – we’d suggest starting with the purple 60 gaiters or the one you have with the lowest setting.
Step 2: Attach the gaiter to the main pump's cylinder.
Step 3: Apply the Penomet over your penis (either in the bath, shower or on its own) and gently pump the device a few times until a vacuum seal is created.
Step 4: Relax and re-pump every few minutes as needed, for a period of 15-20 minutes.
Step 6: To remove the Penomet or to release pressure, gently press the valve at the end of its cylinder to the side.
Step 7: As you gain more experience, use the stronger gaiters for increased pressure.

X4 Labs Comfort Straps for Bigger Penis

f:id:mpommett79:20180911092746j:plainIs it possible to wear penis extenders without discomfort and pain? The fact is the day has come when wearing penis extenders will be fun! Gone are the days when the outdated silicon tubes would cause utter discomfort, pain, reduced blood circulation and chafing.

The amazing technology of Comfort Strap Plus+ has made Euro Extenders very comfortable and efficient. Designed by the engineering department of X4 Labs, the Comfort Strap Plus+ doesn’t only increase your penis size but also does make the process enjoyable and comfortable. These straps provide a much larger surface area between the device and your penis so that there is no discomfort possible.

What is this Comfort Strap Plus+? Is it just a device that gives more comfort to the penis region? No, it’s not only that. It’s much more. The straps improve the efficiency of the penis extender manifold so that you get a bigger penis and also get it quick.

The increased surface area between the device and the penis actually eliminates slippage completely and maximizes blood circulation; quite contrary to the outdated ones. This helps the extender work at its full potential and you don’t sacrifice any of the results. You deserve it!

It is totally risk-free

The Comfort Strap Plus+ is a risk-free product. When you use the age-old silicon tubes or nooses attached to the penis extender, you put yourself at great risk of injuring your organ. Some cheap, bad quality extenders even give you penis rashes that are quite painful and embarrassing.

With Comfort Strap Plus+ you can’t get injured nor will you develop penis rashes. It’s because they are made of medically approved silicone that takes care of your beloved organ. Therefore, please don’t buy the silicone tubes and nooses. Simply go for Comfort Strap Plus+. It is CE certified and thus the best and the safest product available to attach your penis to a penis extender. Learn more at

You can use a Comfort Strap Plus+ only with a Euro Extender as it is them who offer the strap. Quite naturally this makes the Euro Extender much more effective than other extenders available in the market. You can most certainly expect better results with a Comfort Strap Plus+ Euro Extender.

The strap is broader and longer than standard products and this extra size provides greater comfort to men who have a lot of penis girth. The strap lasts considerably longer due to the extra space. No doubt, people are increasingly shifting to the Comfort Strap Plus+. It’s amazing how advancements in technology can benefit the common man.

Penis Extenders Compared

Penis extenders are the top rated method of penis enlargement because they are highly effective if compared to any other method that is available in the market. Penis extenders are also very safe as they do not cause any kind of side effects to the users. People can be assured of the effective results provided by the penis extenders. The penis extenders are pain free method for effective penis enlargement.

The Basic Differences

There are number of penis extenders emerged in the market and the Size genetics and X4 Labs Premium are two such penis extenders among them which are considered as the most effective penis extenders. SizeGenetics and X4 Labs Premium are also highly recommended type of penis extenders because they are really very effective and can help the people to fulfill their dreams of an enlarged penis. The Size genetics Systems which are available in the market consists of the device, penis enlargement pills etc.

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SizeGenetics System vs. X4 Labs Premium comparison can help the people to know whether SizeGenetics System is effective or X4 Labs Premium extender is effective. The system includes the SizeGenetics device, prosolution pills, volume pills, penis health membership and spare parts etc.

The premium edition by X4 Labs includes the complete 4 in 1 Quad Support System, specially designed girth base edition, cleaning and moisturizing kit for improved results, 2 sex DVD’s etc. Both these penis extenders are made up of comfort strap technology but the X4 Labs extender is more comfortable for the people to wear and it really adds to the effectiveness of the device.


One thing to you have to make sure is that you are buying the original product. Euro Extenders manufactured only by X4 Labs provide the patented Comfort Strap Plus+. DO not fall for any other products. There are numerous companies who have copied the design of these straps but the imitations can never match the quality of the original. In no time they break, snap or simply wear out and become ineffective. You don’t want to harm your penis, right? The original has Lifetime Parts Warranty.

Male Edge Pro In-Depth Review


The size of one’s penis is the sensitive subject for almost every guy on the face of the planet. The only exceptions to this are those very few who have definitely been blessed with well above average specimens. The remainder of men out there would definitely like to have an inch or two in the penis department, an inch or two that will make all the difference. And as of relatively recently, it is easier to do this than ever before with Male Edge.


There are different options that you can go for if you wish to enlarge your penis, but the only one that will actually work and that is completed is by using Male Edge. For instance, you can go for different penis enlargement supplements/pills that will be safe but that will do absolutely nothing when it comes to enlarging your penis.

Or, you can go for surgery which may result in an increase, but which is extremely dangerous and can result in irreversible damage to your penis. With Male Edge, you get both the safety and the efficiency according to h

How It Works

The way in which this is achieved is by applying stretching to the penis. Namely, stretching is the only scientifically proven way to enlarge a part of the body. Doctors do it all the time when they wish to extend someone’s fingers or extremities. They apply stretching for prolonged periods of time and the increase in size is achieved.

Certain tribal cultures use the same procedure for elongating other parts of their body, like for example earlobes or necks in order to achieve the desired appearance. This same principle is applied to Male Edge and it is the only way to increase the size of your penis.

Of course, stretching of the penis has to be conducted extremely carefully and with a meticulously determined force that is going to produce the effects without causing any adverse effects. Luckily, the manufacturer of Male Edge is the same company that has developed Jes Extender, the first penis extender ever created, so these guys know what they are doing.

With Male Edge, they have gone one further and they have safely increased the amount of force that is applied to the penis and which results in a more significant increase without risking your health. Learn more at


When you are using Male Edge, it is important to keep in mind that the amount of time that you wear it is directly proportionate to the increase in size that you are going to experience.

After a month and a half of gradually increasing both the force and the time of wearing Male Edge, you will need to use it for at least 6 hours every day for at least 6 months in order to achieve the results.

It is a big investment but it more than pays off. With Male Edge, you can increase the size of your penis for as much as 2 to 3 inches and you can even increase the girth of your organ as well.

And it is actually not that difficult to wear Male Edge. The steel parts of the device that you had with Jes Extender have been replaced with strong plastic which is just as durable but infinitely lighter, making a comfortable experience an even more comfortable one.

The best thing about Male Edge is that it can be worn with your clothes over it and no one will have any idea that you are wearing it. This way, you can increase the size of your penis without anyone even noticing, for example, while you are at the office.


This is not all that Male Edge can do. Male Edge will also improve the quality of your erections as this stretching and be increasing the size results in the creation of new tissue in the penis, brand new tissue that is capable of better performance.

Finally, with Male Edge, you can get rid of the curvature of your penis (Peyronie’s disease) if you happen to suffer from this problem.

More and more doctors are recommending Male Edge for this use and it has definitely shown exquisite results when Peyronie’s disease is in question, with up to 90% of the curvature getting straightened out.

In the end, the only important thing to remember about Male Edge is that with this device, you can definitely increase the size of your penis significantly and without having to worry about any unwanted effects. It is safe and efficient. What more could you ask for?